Jorge A. Uribe E.
Born in Medellín, Colombia, Mr. Uribe Echavarría is a recognized and respected entrepreneur and businessman, with more than five decades of professional experience. Over the course of his career, he has co-founded and/or lead as CEO for several known companies. Among them are DeLima & Compañía, DeLima Marsh, El Mundo newspaper, Alianza Fiduciaria and Alianza Valores, Datecsa, Domino´s Colombia and Brasil, Monarch Marketing Systems, Fábrica de Hielo Iglú, several automobile dealerships (Mazda, Volkswagen, Fiat, BMW) as well as J. Malluccelli-Travelers insurance.
Mr. Uribe Echavarría has served on the Board of Directors for numerous corporations, such as DeLima & Compañía, DeLima Marsh, Alianza Fiduciaria & Valores, Colombian Institute of Social Security, Colombian Federation of Coffee Growers (Antioquia), Dinero Publications, Shellmar de Colombia, Ericsson de Colombia, Enka de Colombia, and Cadenalco (“Ley” – retailer and supermarkets) Detecsa. Between 1981 and 2012 he served as Honorary Consul of Finland both in Bogotá and Medellín, and between 2003 and 2005 as the Minister of Defense of Colombia. Mr. Uribe Echavarría co-founded Linkvest Capital and is currently senior advisor for Linkvest Capital, both in Colombia and in the U.S.A. Mr. Uribe Echavarría earned a B.A degree in Economics at George Washington University in Washington D.C and studied International Markets at L´Université de Besançon in France.